Monday, 8 March 2010

The Ten Year Self Improvement Challenge: Update 01


Welcome to my TYSIC official Blog. For those of you who don't know what the TYSIC is, have a little look HERE.

I loved the idea off this and immediately submitted mine:

Posted by Zoe Fell on February 26, 2010

So. by March 4th, 2020, I will be 29. That sounds absolutely barmy in my head, let alone written down.

I’ve just turned 19 and can’t ride a bike, but I don’t feel that learning to do that is a big enough goal to set. So. I’m going to do a two-parter. A double-header. A menage-a-deux. Ahem.

Part 1: I resolve that by March 4th, 2020 I will have my dream job at a large media company (e.g. the BBC. If it still exists by then of course). This will involve passing my planned University degree and gaining as much work experience as is humanly possible.

Part 2: I resolve that by March 4th, 2020 I will be/ have fallen in love. (A little bit more ambitious, but i am prepared to suffer a fair amount of heartbreak along the way.)

Right. That’s me done. Bring on the TYSIC!


*Snaps Fingers*

OY! Wake up! Lovely. So. This is where I'll be posting a weekly update about my progress. Unless something super exciting happens and I feel implored to tell you abut it immediately.

How far have I got this week then?

PART 1 (I will have my dream job at a large media company)

Specifically in the Radio department. This week was AMAZING for this goal. On Thursday morning, the first official day of the TYSIC, I was asked if I wanted to help run the College Radio station. Run it! Be in charge of it! Obviously, I said yes. If that wasn't good enough news, I was told that in September, a paid podcasting/social media organising apprenticeship was possibly opening up and I was in good stead to be offered it if I applied.

A successful week for that bit then.

PART 2 (I will be/ have fallen in love)

I don't plan to do too much to achieve this goal. I feel that things will just...happen. I'm as bit to busy to be faffing about with blokes right now anyway.

There. Update 01 of many is finished. I do hope you enjoyed it and I also hope that if you haven't already, you'll get involved with the TYSIC. It's an awful lot of fun.

If you've got any questions or suggestions or just want to have a chat, feel free to get in touch.

Have a nice day.


  1. wow, great progress on Part 1! and i just lold for the second time at menage-a-deux. good stuff.

  2. "So. by March 4th, 2020, I will be 29. That sounds absolutely barmy in my head, let alone written down."

    I'll be 29 in 4 months. It doesn't get any less scary sounding the closer it gets. I'll be 38 by the time this whole challenge is over. Thirty-bloody-eight.

  3. If you're interested, my sister works at the BBC and just finished a 6 month contract as a production co-ordinator (it may have been production manager now I think about it - I'm a terrible sister for not paying attention) on Radio 4. She loves talking about herself (again, I'm a terrible sister) so if you wanted to ask her any questions, I would be happy to pass on her e-mail address. Probably best to do it in the next few weeks though as she's getting married on the 1st April. I know she's worked on interview panels too so maybe she could give you some tips for the future.

    Cheerio! Amy. XXX

  4. @Ben Carroll - do be prepared for 10 full years of innuendo filled blogs. =]

    @Anna - Yeah, but your head is probably a lot more screwed on than mine!

    @amycool - Oh wow. That would be absolutely amazing. If she's okay with me having her email address, that'd be awesome. You know where to get in touch a little more privately - Twitter DM's and the Forum. xoxo
