Thursday, 11 March 2010

The Ten Year Self Improvement Challenge: Update 02

So it is the end of the first official week of the TYSIC. Interestingly, I've had an extremely positive week.

Now, I have a rather cheery disposition anyway but this week...I don't know. Anything that other people would have seen as a bad thing I've seen the positive side of them. Which is good I guess. If you do happen to find yourself shopping at the big Boots in Plymouth, come and say hello. I will be lovely to you.


I'm digressing from the actual point of the blog here. Sorry. Right then.

Part 1

Since my last update, I've been asked to run some mentoring workshops at the local charity I work with. In these workshops, I'll be helping some young people to create radio shows for Freesound FM - a community radio station in Plymouth. Actual proper radio production work. Very exciting. I have to fit it round my trip to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August, but I'm not worried.

Part 2

Still nothing.

I'm really enjoying reading all of your TYSIC updates, keep up the amazing work you lovely lot. Only 519 weeks to go!

1 comment:

  1. Well done on and good luck with the radio work :-)
